Monday, April 19, 2010

Nature's Inspirations

I am always amazed at the beauty of Springtime in Central Texas. This spring has been particularly beautiful due to all the rain we've gotten since fall. The wildflowers have inspired me to go into my studio and paint. This is a view from our front yard. Come along with me as I take a walk in the fields around my home.

The Indian Paintbrushes are really outdoing themselves this year. They are usually an almost florescent orange color, but these were a pretty buff, pink color.
This is an old farm tractor that my husband and I adopted. It had been in his family for years. I thought it looked like a piece of art surrounded by all the flowers. It sits in the field, greeting visitors as they drive up to our house.
These are Drummond Phlox. They range in color from red,to magenta or purple, pink and white. The colors are all so striking against the green grass.
This is a closeup view of the Phlox. I love the pretty pink color.
These are old fashioned poppies. They are all over my yard. Poppies are not native to my area, but I got these started several years ago, from seeds I purchased from a local garden club.
These pretty purple wildflowers are called Spiderwort. They can also come in pink or white. The purple color is so vibrant and bright.
Sometimes, on my walks around my yard or field, I run onto a nest on the ground. This one was at the edge of my vegetable garden by the fence. It is a guinea nest. We have about forty or fifty of these birds. They are wonderful for pest control. They eat insects of all kinds. They are also good watchdogs.
Under an oak tree, in our field, I ran upon another guinea nest, and this time a hen was setting on it. I have seen her here for the past few days. She will probably try to set her eggs, which usually takes about twenty-eight days. This past fall, I had a guinea hatch about sixteen chicks out in one of my flowerbeds. Another hen hatched almost two dozen chicks out inside the fence in a corner of our vegetable garden. It is always exciting to see the little chicks hatch out. They look like little fuzz balls.

I hope you have enjoyed our "nature walk". I will be including more flower pictures in future posts. I hope you have gotten inspired to create, as I have, admiring God's beauty.


  1. Hello!
    What a lovely blog!
    I am a former Texan and miss the wildflowers so much!
    I make several trips back to Austin and Fort Worth each year to see my mom and my daughter...and of course, the bluebonnets!
    So nice to meet you...have fun blogging

  2. These flowers are so beautiful. I love the pale Indian paintbrushes that you took a picture of.
    I am so thrilled that you sent me some of these old fashioned Poppy seeds! I imagine that you could make some beautiful paintings of these!


  3. The spring flowers are gorgeous. I love the rusty old tractor surrounded by them. Would be a lovely painting.

  4. Hi Cindy, what an incredible post! The wildflowers are just beautiful, I really miss seeing them in person, and the little hens and eggs are just wonderful. Thank you for taking me along...I really enjoyed it. Please try to get some baby chick pictures when they hatch!
