Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Where I Create

This little birdhouse sits on a post along our fence in the backyard. It is surrounded by pear blossoms.
This is my workshop/studio located in our backyard. It is a converted storage shed.
This cabinet was purchased at a yard sale for $30, I added the curtains at the bottom.
These cabinets along the back wall, store all kinds of goodies waiting to be used for projects.
I made these valances from vintage linens and rose floral fabric.
This is a closeup of the valance showing the embroidered kitty.

I hope you have enjoyed a glimpse into my workshop/studio. I really enjoy reading articles about and looking at the pictures of artists' and crafty people's creative spaces. I hope sharing a view of mine has inspired creativity in your life.

1 comment:

  1. Your workshop is so beautiful. If I could tow it away one night without Robert, Uncle Junior, Prissy goat, or all of the chickens tattling on me, I would!

