Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fun in the Spring

These beautiful kids are our niece and nephews, they are standing in front of my husband's Granddad's old pickup, in our field, after an Easter egg hunt on Sunday.
This is my scarecrow girl, I usually make a new one each year. I made her head and painted her face. I purchase clothes and hats for her at thrift stores and yard sales. She watches over my garden throughout the seasons.
I am a seasonal decorator, and have this display on top of my china cabinet.
This bird is perched with her nest on a shelf that hangs over my hearth. I call it my "Seasonal Shelf". It is about four feet long and I make full use of it. It is also great since my cats can't get near it to swat at all the goodies.
This is a vintage glittered bird. She is perched on her nest in a pink milk glass dish.
I just love this little lamb. He is a treasure I found recently at an antiques store.
Here are some more items perched on the"Seasonal Shelf". I like to use Scrabble letters in displays, also. I was looking at an item at an antiques show recently with my mom, I think it was a bunny. When I remarked "It could go on my Seasonal Shelf", my mom said " I think that shelf will fall down if you put anything else on it." She's probably right. As spring ends, I will probably display one of my many collections of things---vintage flower vases. I will share a photo in a future post.

Hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Easter.


  1. WOW! the pictures are great. The spring collection is so sweet. love mom

  2. You neice and nephews are beautiful! I can see why you wanted to make Easter so special for them! Your Easter vignettes are so sweet! I'm looking forward to your next post.


  3. Hi Cindy, I just found you from Theresa's blog, love your seasonal shelf! And what a wonderful studio. The followers connect is acting up, I'll come back and join in a few minutes! I'm so glad to find you, come by for a visit when you can.
